by paracletepress | Jan 17, 2016 | Uncategorized
With the exception of my daughter, most of my family and friends had concerns when I told them of my invitation to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. All concerns were valid. The biggest concern was also mine – do I have the time to train and the courage to raise money?...
by paracletepress | Jan 13, 2016 | Uncategorized
I sat on the invitation to join the One Million Thumbprint campaign and to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro for over a month before sharing it with anyone. My impulse, as with many things I would later realize, is to say, “No” to things I thought were dangerous or...
by paracletepress | Jan 7, 2016 | Uncategorized
I’ve been waiting for a good time or at least a large dose of inspiration to begin writing again. It’s been over a year and I am simply accepting that it is never going to be a “good” time and I no longer believe there is hope for a large dose of inspiration. The time...
by paracletepress | Oct 19, 2015 | Uncategorized
Do not buy chocolate this year for Halloween. Yep, I told you what to do. Over the years after learning about how child slaves harvest the cocoa used in the production of the chocolate we consume, I had hoped people would see the connection with the chocolate they eat...
by paracletepress | Apr 15, 2014 | Uncategorized
Please take time to click on my friend, Carrie Kuba’s link I’ve attached below. I think she is spot on with her suggestions on where to redirect your spending this Holy Week. Less is More. It matters where you put your money. There is no insignificant...
by paracletepress | Feb 19, 2014 | Uncategorized
Here is my quick appeal to take the time to attend a conference on human trafficking. See who is already working in your local area to abolish slavery and ask how you can help. Flash, a good logo, charismatic speaker is not always an indicator to who is the most...