It has been just over a week since I returned home from the epic One Million Thumbprint trip which took me to DR Congo and later to summit the highest freestanding mountain in the world, Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. To be honest, it has been a bit of a transition back to ordinary life where laundry and food preparation seem more daunting than usual for me. I have struggled a bit processing the many stories I heard, some of the emotions I felt, and the colorful sights and sounds I experienced. I want to share them all in a way that will do it all justice and represent people and my experiences most accurately. I can honestly say that it was the hardest trip of my life – both emotionally and physically. DR Congo is a complex country with some of the most beautiful people and landscape I’ve ever seen and yet one of the most violent and poverty stricken nations I’ve been to. Bright colors, thick dusty roads, intense stories of suffering yet with rays of hope have been swirling in my heart and mind these past days.
Mt. Kilimanjaro is one big ole’ mountain where walking is often slow and mental toughness is as much needed as strong legs. Having a sense of humor is a requirement and having a private portable potty for your team an important bonus.
The only easy part of the entire trip was the camaraderie I experienced with the other 14 incredible women I shared this adventure with. Getting to know one another and getting to the heart of what we are all about came naturally. I made 14 more soul sisters this past week and their stories and personalities and the experiences we shared will be forever etched in my heart and mind.
I will circle back with stories and more photos in the near future, but I want to thank each and every one of you who supported me through finances, prayers and encouraging words. I am overwhelmed with the incredible support I’ve received. It has been truly humbling for me to come home and see all the positive comments on Facebook, hugs of congratulations, new donations to One Million Thumbprints,the text messages welcoming me home, and all the family and friends who helped my husband get my kids to and from school and to all of their activities. It took one wonderful village to get me on that plane, up that mountain, and back home again with everyone safe and sound! God was in the smallest of details every step of the way and I look forward to sharing more with you all soon.
With all my heart – Thank you!!