Kimberly Yim — Blog

Thoughts After The Not For Sale Global Forum

I have a lot more sympathy for those mothers out there that travel for work. This is only one of about two trips I have made over this past year without my kids and it is not easy for me to leave. I know I am leaving them in good hands with my husband and so it is not...

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Finding LOVE in the dark

I hardly know how to respond to this. This is what paralyzed me. This is what had my heart so broken that I hardly knew how to pray because I was angry at God in allowing this to continue. There is a lot of tragedy in the world and I had come to accept that I live in...

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Conflict Minerals 101

Life has a way of getting ahead of me and months go by and suddenly when the house is quite it hits me, "What happened? How is it almost summer? Where did the time go?" Poof! Time sometimes vanishes right before my eyes. This has been the case for the past 10 weeks....

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Falling Whistles

The Congo seems to be getting more press these days and this is a good thing. I have been just scratching the surface in understanding the details on how what is going on in the Congo directly impacts us and how we all - all of us technology using people - contribute...

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Do I need to be “with” someone?

So this is my latest problem - I'm not "with" someone. Over this past year and a half when I go to meetings such as the Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force meeting or to events like the Freedom Summit or when I email different organizations to receive...

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The Dark Side of Chocolate Event

Could it be possible that slavery is linked to one of my sweetest luxuries, chocolate? Yep, it is true and yep, it is a big bummer. But don't take my word for it, check out the documentary film, The Dark Side of Chocolate  -

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